Proofreading marks are used by proofreaders and editors to indicate an error in the copy. The nature of the mark is directly related to the type of error that has been produced, and proofreaders and editors will place the proofreading mark in the line of text where the error takes place.
Depending on the nature of the editing services, the proofreader will then either write a correction in the margin or will write a correction directly above the sentence.
You can read more about what proofreaders do in our guide to the differences between editing and proofreading.
Proofreading Marks Everyone Should Know
Click on the images below to download your free PDF poster of our proofreading marks. If you’re looking for more help and advice on working as a proofreader, take a look at our guide on how to proofread.
Proofreading Marks at Vappingo
Here at Vappingo, our proofreaders and editors do not use these types of marks because we favor the more modern techniques of correcting errors. Our proofreading services involve the editor correcting the mistakes using the track changes functionality on Microsoft Word. Once the proofreading is complete, our customers are sent two copies of the text: one that contains all the corrections in their final form, and one that shows where all the corrections have been made.
But wouldn’t it be great if these lesser-known proofreading marks were formally introduced into our proofreading services! It would certainly make life more interesting for our proofreaders.
Need an online proofreading service? Check out our online services now.
Looking for some proofreading fails? Check out 69 excellent reasons why proofreading is important>