Ever questioned why proofreading is important?
Well, if you have ever sent an important email or handed in a paper, only to later discover embarrassing typos or mistakes, you’ll probably know all too well.
Many of us have been there!
But the great news is that these cringe-worthy moments can be a great source of entertainment.
In this article, we’re going to show you some hilarious examples of what happens when proofreading doesn’t happen.
1) Because most people don’t actually know what Grandma tastes like
2) Because cows can’t read

3) Because the sales staff may not be happy to deliver the value-added services

Writing you’re dissertation? Take a look at our more serious guide to why its important to proofread your dissertation.
4) Because not everyone can stand up for what they believe in
5) Because people tend to look for more appealing ice cream flavors

6) Because failing to proofread can have tradegic tragic consequences
7) Because stating the obvious won’t win you a Pulitzer
8) Because your kids will thank you for it
9) Because you don’t want to be regretting that extra consonant for the rest of your life
10) Because your new arrival is much more than acute
11) Because claiming to be good at something doesn’t necessarily mean it’s true

12) Because you don’t want to offend Tiger
13) Because you don’t want to offend Obama
14) Because the grammar Nazis are lying in wait
15) Because you don’t want to attract the wrong type of clientele
16) Because without the unions she’d be teaching P.E.
17) Because some people just want to pee without the extras thrown in

18) Because not everyone’s dangerous

19) Because you might end up giving viewers more than they anticipated

20) Because if you want to share enlightening facts about Nelson Mandela, you really ought to ensure they are accurate
21) Because a missing punctuation mark can completely change your bus journey
22) Because one letter can mean the difference between looking cool and a long stretch in San Quentin
23) Because some words have more than one meaning

24) Because James should be remembered for much more than being a geometric term
25) Because it’s important to get every day off to the right start
26) Because not everyone wants to know about your embarrassing medical problem

27) Because there’s always a smart aleck about
28) Because stories about crazy animal fetishes don’t make for a great morning read
29) Because you don’t want to be accused of discrimination

30) Because there are better ways to let your son know he was adopted

31) Because contradictions cause confusion
32) Because girls don’t actually like the smell of colon
33) Because good old-fashioned mayonnaise would suffice
34) Because someone may take your instructions literally
35) Because you’re feeding the grammar trolls
36) Because you can make yourself look pretty stupid
37) Because chickens aren’t all that good at walking dogs
38) Because there really is a difference between then and than
39) Because your message of compassion could be misinterpreted
40) Because your friends are lying in wait to call you out
41) Because the punishment needs to fit the crime
42) Because people don’t like a bragger
43) Because you could undermine your entire marketing proposition
44) Because a misspelled word can fundamentally transform the job specification
45) Because a placement issue could turn into a public relations crisis
46) Because you may inadvertently incite homicide
47) Because your daughter should be remembered for more than having a face like a phallus
48) Because the way you welcome visitors does matter
49) Because some abbreviations have unfortunate consequences

50) Because Brian’s development is his own business
51) Because if you’re going to claim to be perfect, you really should make sure you are
52) Because parking illegally will not be fine
53) Because the animals deserve a chance at life
54) Because if you’re going to name your brand after a punctuation mark, you really should know how to use it
55) Because you can’t beat the real thing
56) Because sometimes there’s just no excuse
57) Because one misplaced letter can make ALL the difference
58) Because sheeps don’t go with everything
59) Because font selection also matters
60) Because homonyms can confuse the uneducated
61) Because if you’re going to brag about what a great writer you are, you need to write well
62) Because mistakes can be VERY expensive
Source: moreniche
63) Because tuna doesn’t care
64) Because there is such a thing as bad publicity
65) Because details matter
66) Because your way of spelling things may get you a reputation
67) Because you can never quite trust autocorrect
68) Because you can never quite trust Microsoft Word
69) And because you can never quite trust grammar checking software
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