There was once a time when bagging the job of your dreams entailed writing a short and simple cover letter that convinced the recruiter that you are insanely talented. These guys have skipped the talented element and just gone straight for the insane.
It will soon be that time of year again, when a deluge of enthusiastic graduates morph into desperate job seekers who are clambering to secure the job they have (literally) been dreaming of through countless two-hour-long lectures.
The majority of them will probably fall at the first hurdle. Not because their education sucks, but because they’re competing with every other Joe Monkey who has a college-level education and a resume that stresses their fantastic communication skills (read more: what not to write on a resume). To get ahead of the pack, you have to distinguish yourself with your cover letter. But before you sit down and pen the perfect introduction to your sparkling resume, you’re going to have to do your research. To give you a helping hand, we’ve dug out some examples of funny cover letters that will most certainly give you some food for thought.
Here’s the thing. We’d actually hire some of these people. I mean, who can turn down a potential candidate whose cover letter divulges that she once donated her hair to charity? Or a guy who fights bears for a hobby? These are gems!
BTW: If you’re applying for hundreds of jobs but getting nowhere, our expert cover letter editing services can help you to finally put the rejection behind you.

If you’re currently working on your cover letter and are looking for some simple tips on how to write a killer introduction to your resume, take a look at our guide fantastic cover letter formula.
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