101 Words That are Both Plural and Singular

Plural of moose?


The majority of nouns have distinct plural and singular forms. However, there are a number of special words that are spelt and pronounced exactly the same way in both their singular and plural forms. Here are 101 words that are both singular and plural.

If you are not sure how to convert a singular noun into a plural noun, check out our guide to how to convert a singular noun to a plural noun.



  • Accommodation
  • Advice
  • Alms
  • Aircraft
  • Aluminum
  • Barracks
  • Bison
  • Binoculars
  • Bourgeois
  • Breadfruit
  • Cannon
  • Caribou
  • Cattle
  • Chalk
  • Chassis
  • Chinos
  • Clippers
  • Clothing
  • Cod
  • Concrete
  • Corps
  • Correspondence
  • Crossroads
  • Deer
  • Dice
  • Doldrums
  • Dungarees
  • Education
  • Eggfruit
  • Elk
  • Eyeglasses
  • Fish (numbers of)
  • Flares (clothing)
  • Flour
  • Food
  • Fruit
  • Furniture
  • Gallows
  • Goldfish
  • Grapefruit
  • Greenfly
  • Grouse
  • Haddock
  • Halibut
  • Head (cattle)
  • Headquarters
  • Help
  • Homework
  • Hovercraft
  • Ides
  • Insignia
  • Jackfruit
  • Jeans
  • Knickers
  • Knowledge
  • Kudos
  • Leggings
  • Lego
  • Luggage
  • Moose
  • Monkfish
  • Mullet
  • Nailclippers
  • News
  • Offspring
  • Oxygen
  • Pants
  • Pyjamas
  • Passionfruit
  • Pike
  • Pliers
  • Police
  • Premises
  • Reindeer
  • Rendezvous
  • Salmon
  • Scissors
  • Series
  • Shambles
  • Sheep
  • Shellfish
  • Shorts
  • Shrimp
  • Smithereens
  • Spacecraft
  • Species
  • Squid
  • Starfruit
  • Stone (weight)
  • Sugar
  • Swine
  • Tongs
  • Trousers
  • Trout
  • Tuna
  • Tweezers
  • You
  • Wheat
  • Whitebait
  • Wood


Can you think of any words that are both plural and singular? Leave a comment and let us know!


133 thoughts on “101 Words That are Both Plural and Singular”

  1. No, that is a die. A single polyhedron that is rolled to determine a random number is a die. Multiple polyhedrons that are rolled to determine a random number are dice.

  2. As an adjective, cannon is neither singular nor plural. As a noun, cannon is singular and cannons are plural. A 21 cannon ship is a ship with 21 cannons. Bourgeoisie is plural for bourgeois. I have always said legos, but spellcheck tells me I’m wrong. Maybe legos is a Northwest US dialect word. Accommodations is plural and far more common than accommodation. Clothes is plural for both cloth and clothing. Although, I have used and heard clothing as plural regularly, so I guess it fits in this list. I have always used pikes for plural, and seen it in multiple books and games, and spellcheck agrees, but Merriam Webster seems to disagree with that usage. Just to confuse people, woods should also be included because woods is both a large group of trees and multiple large groups of trees, similar to a forest and multiple forests. I haven’t heard of a consensus on which is bigger, a woods or a forest.

  3. I see where you’re coming from. A single hair or a head of hair. But you can have three hairs as well. Or something can be three hairs wide.

  4. bro we add ies instead of y where there is no vowel supporting y. like study it’ll be studies.. money is used in term of collective noun so we can’t use monies 🙂 if we’ll use then it’ll be as moneys but their is no plural 🙂

  5. sorry dude but many of your words are not correct you have chosen the plural ones of many nouns
    headquarter is singular and its plural is headquarters
    and same as one of brothers have corrected some words like die is singular and dice and dies are the two plurals of it in which dice stand for a cube used in game of chance and dies is number of people etc
    one of my brothers have commented some words like hundred, dozen, series

  6. Listen up bro except series both of them have plurals but they can be used singularly in sentences. hundred have hundreds and dozen has dozens
    i have three hundred pounds
    we can use them as i have three hundreds of pounds
    both are correct
    give me 2 dozen of eggs
    i need 2 dozens of eggs
    it is up-to the sense you are using
    similarly .. when we are using sentences in hunting situations we use many animals name both singular and plural same
    like i m going to hunt elephant,birds, deer and fish 🙂
    here we don’t mean of singular of every singular animals or birds. its upto the sense we are using 🙂 hope this help you guys .

  7. “License” and its plural “license” are mistreated daily in the news.
    And, was “equipment” spelled “equiptment” in the past?

  8. Can the word They, be singular? Instead of using the words he or she. What do you substitute.? That person is walking across the street?

  9. Sorry, “swine ” is already counted in the list; but watercress is not listed and that is the same in the plural as in the singular.

  10. A lot of these are mass nouns. You can have “a piece of clothing” or “two pieces of clothing” but you can’t have “a clothing” or “two clothings”.

  11. No, “news” is singular, generic. The news is bad. You’re right that the singular countable is a piece of news, several pieces of news.

  12. In this case, gravel isn’t the noun. Gravel is the set of things the noun is referring to. The noun in both “Three loads of gravel” and “One load of gravel” isn’t gravel; it’s load/s. As stated above, gravel doesn’t actually have a singular form.

  13. Just curious. I thought fox was both singular and plural. Is that something old and has been revised? I have always used it as both.

  14. A cube you roll with the numbers 1 to 6 on it is called a die. If you have 2 or more of them they are called dice. But in the verb sense things are sort of backwards a person dies, but 2 or people die.

  15. Fishy answers? But I don’t think cattle is used in the singular sense. You don’t go over to a cattle. You go over to a cow or bull or steer. But interestingly you can have a herd of cattle or herd of cows, so in that sense cattle would be singular, but not used in general language to my knowledge.

  16. Ken, you can have a piece of gravel it is a single stone. But many stones can be called gravel.

  17. You can have 2 or 3 dozen, rarely have I heard of 2 or 3 dozens. Hundred is similar, one hundred, 2 hundred, 3 hundred etc.. But in both cases you can have expressions like ‘dozens of people turn up to the rally’ or ‘hundreds of cattle went to the yards’.

  18. No, you say “the gravel is in the yard”; you don’t say “the gravel are in the yard”. Gravel is singular. A builders’ merchant might sell different gravels, and then it means “types of gravel”.

  19. No, there are two different words here:
    1. A person: plural persons (legal and technical use), or people (everyday use) = a human being.
    2. A people: plural peoples = a race or nation.

  20. It depends what you want them to be.

    Singular: There is a black sheep in that field. I saw a red deer yesterday. You’ve caught a fish.
    Plural: Those sheep seem to be scared. Scotland is a good place to see some deer. Fish were gathering below the bridge.

  21. Sing: fox, Pl: foxes.
    But people who hunt wild animals seem to have a habit of putting them in the singular. They say “We’re hoping to shoot some lion… This is a good area for gazelle… Fox? I don’t know. Yet all these have perfectly good plurals.

  22. If this were my list, i would: remove all but the 31 words which are below and add ‘watercraft’.
    I would keep these:
    1: Aircraft
    2: Bison
    3: Caribou
    4: Chalk
    5: Cod
    6: Deer
    7: Eggfruit
    8: Elk
    9: Fish (numbers of)
    10: Fruit
    11: Goldfish
    12: Grapefruit
    13: Halibut
    14: Hovercraft
    15: Jackfruit
    16: Moose
    17: Monkfish
    18: Offspring
    19: Passionfruit
    20: Pike
    21: Reindeer
    22: Salmon
    23: Sheep
    24: Shellfish
    25: Shrimp
    26: Spacecraft
    27: Squid
    28: Starfruit
    29: Swine
    30: Trout
    31: You
    BUT I am not trying to maximize my list. Some of these words are singular and plural, like ‘dice’ which *also* has a singular ‘die’. But I have seen ‘dice’ as the singular too. However, ‘die’ has been gaining popularity as the singular word for ‘dice’. Many of these are just stupid if you ask me, like ‘wood’, ‘aluminum’, and ‘oxygen’, etc. These are materials. They don’t have singular nor plural forms.
    Things like ‘crossroads’ is certainly singular or plural, based on context. But this doesn’t count ‘in my book’. But if you want to maximize your list, then ‘crossroads’ is your friend. 😛
    But i found what i came for. 🙂 Thanks!!

  23. Any regular fourth declension noun will have the same spelling for plural and singular, in the nominative case. E.g. status. Check the Latin root.

  24. All words are not used as same in plural. And here are some nouns that is used with noncount plural determiners such as furniture. These are the different issue. You can shorten the list.

  25. In the US we say Math but, the British make the word plural by pronouncing it with an s Maths.

  26. While it is a proper noun, technically, the plural of LEGO is LEGO. You can have A LEGO brick or multiple LEGO bricks, but according to LEGO, you can never have LEGOS.

  27. We should also note the closely-related words which are described as “plural, construed as singular”. This covers countless fields of study such as mathematics, statistics, eugenics, economics, …

  28. Cyclamen, a genus of plants in the Primula family, is the same whether singular or plural. You can go to a nursery and buy one cyclamen or ten cyclamen.
    Salix, the name for the genus Willow, is the same whether singular or plural.

  29. Breath is a collective noun like the others but I do believe that we should consider Beer as such also. “I drank 10 beer” sounds better than “I drank 10 beers,” in my opinion

    BA of English Language & Literature – ‘11

  30. Your listed word “dice” is the plural form. You would not use that word to reference a singular “die”. If playing a game where you roll a single numbered cube, you would say: “roll the die”. If two or more you would say: “roll the dice”.

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